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HRM TV: Five big ideas with Ricky Nowak 07/01/16

Ricky Nowak shares learning and leadership ideas in five minutes to keep you focused as a leader and ready to tackle the day’s challenges. Here’s this week’s:

  • Leadership: Friction is found in every workplace, regardless of job role or hierarchy. As a leader, it’s important to know what the pain points are within your team. Once you can recognise the problem areas, you can regularly communicate with employees about issues they are having, before things escalate.
  • People: It takes a village to raise a child, and the same applies to businesses. Ask yourself, “Do we have the capacity to raise this business alone, or do we need a team?” Depending on the answer, find others who can help build the business.
  • Meetings: In a previous vlog, Ricky touched on holding meetings in creative places. Now, it’s time to ask employees and co-workers where they would like to hold meetings. They might be able to recommend some interesting and unique sites or locations.
  • Presentations: Your bio is not your intro, and your intro is certainly not your bio. If you’re stuck with introducing yourself and your topic, ask your audience some open-ended questions to establish a connection. Then, put in a couple credentials that support your expertise. If you want more help with this, let Ricky know – she’s happy to help!

This video is part of a series of vlogs on big ideas in HR. Check back for five bits of wisdom to keep you focused and moving forward at work. Have a question, a tip to share or a topic to discuss? Tweet using the #fivebigideas hashtag or email Ricky at

Check out AHRI’s social media pages on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook for more. And don’t forget to follow HRM’s editor Amanda Woodard on Twitter @HRMeditor for updates about what’s happening in the HR industry around Australia.

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