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HRM TV: Five big ideas with Ricky Nowak 24/09

Leadership is about more than just ordering others around – it is about knowing how to get the most from your team and inspiring them to do their best. Ricky Nowak, our newest HRM TV vlogger, shares five ideas in five minutes to keep you focused as a leader and ready to tackle the day’s challenges. Here’s this week’s fab five:

  • When working with people, communication is key. Great leaders don’t need to share everything, but making sure employees know the strategic value of their work will help them see the connection between the goals you are setting and the work they are doing.
  • It’s easy to default to those “Hi how are?”, “How’s work going?” questions, but having life conversations as well as career conversations will help you stay on top of how an employee’s needs might shift when they enter a new phase of life.
  • The way we meet is on the move – literally. Walking meetings are a great way to shake things up and turn a meeting from an event into an experience.
  • The first rule of performing: Be ‘on’ before you’re on. The same applies for presentations. When conducting a team presentation, you control the energy, so it’s important to bring your best.
  • Having the right tools to do your job is important, so maybe it’s time to rethink your communication technology. is like a beefed-up Skype, and it makes collaboration easy.

This video is part of a series of vlogs on big ideas in HR. Check back every other week for five bits of wisdom to keep you focused and moving forward at work. Have a question, a tip to share or a topic to discuss? Tweet using the #fivebigideas hashtag or email Ricky at

Check out AHRI’s social media pages on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook for more. And don’t forget to follow HRM’s editor Amanda Woodard on Twitter @HRMeditor for updates about what’s happening in the HR industry around Australia.

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