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How to conduct a pre-employment check

HR can be a legal minefield, but fret not – Hannah Ellis, principal and co-founder at The Workplace Employment Lawyers and our legal vlogger, is here to help answer those tricky questions. This week, she covers when to conduct a pre-employment check.

Human resources professionals need to think about due diligence, especially when it comes to the recruitment process. But where should you start with this process? And how do you even go about conducting a pre-employment check?

In this vlog, Hannah discusses the steps of a pre-employment check, when you need to conduct one, how to do it fairly and responsibly, what to do if a check turns something up on a candidate.

Have a legal question? Or a topic you want covered? Let at Hannah know by tweeting to  @theworkplace_au or visit her website and blog by clicking here. Check back for more advice on how to handle HR’s most common legal concerns.

Check out AHRI’s social media pages on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook for more. And don’t forget to follow HRM’s editor Amanda Woodard on Twitter @HRMeditor for updates about what’s happening in the HR industry around Australia.

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