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HRM TV: Using social media to tweet to the top

It sounds counter intuitive – how do you create a professional persona from something as personal as social media?

People are communicating over the internet now more than ever, and the vast social networks created are valuable resources that HR can tap into. Sarah Miller, a generalist HR professional with BankSA, became interested in how to use platforms such as Twitter and blogs for HR back in her uni days. Now, she talks about how social media creates a modern marketplace of ideas.

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Adam Parker
Adam Parker
9 years ago

Absolutely brilliant, if not refreshing and highly useful if you’re curious about making social media “social”. Really nice Sarah. I’ll admit, I was skeptical at the start: I’m currently adrift trying to find my way through the blogosphere for people to share in, and just finding noise. [3:22] “The only way you’re ever going to get noticed in social media is if you’re open: and openness is sharing….” That says a lot because I hardly ever quote people ad hoc 😉 It’s so hard to break down the proprietary barriers of others and self when instinct is so dog-eat-dog. But… Read more »

Tim Scott
Tim Scott
9 years ago

Great stuff Sarah! Like Adam I loved that quote about being open and it won’t surprise you to know I wholeheartedly agree.

9 years ago

Really great to listen to Sarah! Inspiring! Some names and blogs that I will be looking into. I’m a growing fan of social media and listening to what you say confirmed it more so for me.

Gareth Taylor
Gareth Taylor
9 years ago

How do you make your noise louder than everyone else’s noise?

Adam Parker
Adam Parker
9 years ago

Hi Gareth. By sharing and participating. If people view their blog entries for example, as saleable products, then the sales channels don’t change. If people, however, see them as social interactions, the solution moves to the realm of “being social”. You stop selling and start conversing. As someone I read recently said, and I paraphrase: “You need to become a club member before being considered a club player.” So you basically get out there online and talk about things you genuinely find interesting to people who genuinely interest you. I think it was Austin Kleon who wrote, “You don’t find… Read more »

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