5 Reasons you don’t want to miss this HR tech conference

Technology is transforming the HR industry in amazing ways. On the one hand, we have new tools to help us harness the full power of a growing and shifting workforce. On the other, ‘automation’ is becoming the boogeyman that threatens to do away with many HR functions.

AHRI’s upcoming HR Tech Conference, part of the 2016 National Convention in Brisbane, will bring together some of the industry’s brightest minds to shed light on these and other related issues.

From change on a global scale down to the nitty-gritty of workforce analytics, here are five reasons you don’t want to miss this HR tech event of the season.

  1. The futurists are coming: There’s no ifs, ands or buts about it – business intelligence and big data have transformed the world. But what is still up for debate is where these resources are headed. Chris Riddell, one of the world’s most renowned futurists, makes it his job to predict just that. Riddell will gaze into his crystal ball and reveal ways businesses can drive growth through smart digital strategy, how to sniff out future global trends and why your business should worry about these in the first place.
  2. Life on the edge: For those who have ever wondered how to properly leverage digital innovation, this session is for you. Peter Williams is the Chief Edge Officer at Deloitte’s Centre of the Edge, which makes him one of the sharpest minds in the business. Williams has served as the Chairman of Deloitte’s Innovation Council since 2004. The Centre’s mission is to identify and explore exciting digital opportunities that aren’t yet on the senior management agenda.
  3. Add to your utility belt: Requelle Simpson knows first-hand the benefits of embracing technology – in 2015, The Coffee Club, where she works as a training specialist, won the AHRI Award for HR Technology. Effective use of technology means HR departments can now do more in terms of learning and development, employee engagement and other core functions. Simpson draws on her extensive experience with e-learning, gamification and other technological innovations to highlight ways tech enhances employee retention and engagement.
  4. Thinking big: In February 2016, the CSIRO released a report that explored six social, economic and environmental megatrends that will have a major impact on Australia. Curious about what those are, or even what a megatrend is? Dr Stefan Hajkowicz, Principal Scientist at the CSIRO, is happy to explain. This session looks at what happens when being in the ‘virtual world’ becomes our new reality. Hajkowicz combines the best of geography, economics and decision theory to take a bird’s-eye-view of what might happen in a world where individuals, communities, governments and businesses are more closely linked than ever before.
  5. HR, meet AI: Predictions are that the next five years will bring tremendous disruption in the form of automation and robots replacing many current functions. What do HR professionals need to do today to make sure their organisation survives this shift? Jon Williams, head of PwC’s People Business in Australia, brings his expertise in leadership, organisational culture and talent management to the table to discuss the latest thinking on this crucial issue. The good news is we don’t have to welcome our robot overlords just yet.  


The HR Tech Conference and the AHRI National Convention run from 3 to 5 August 2016 in Brisbane. To check event details and register, click here.

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Frances Harrison
Frances Harrison
8 years ago


I am attending the conference in August and attending the public sector gathering. I really wanted to go this as well as it sounds fantastic but can’t do both at the same time and we can’t afford to send more than one person. Is AHRI providing notes from these speakers or can some of my colleagues in WA view these sessions as “podcasts”?

Kind regards


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5 Reasons you don’t want to miss this HR tech conference

Technology is transforming the HR industry in amazing ways. On the one hand, we have new tools to help us harness the full power of a growing and shifting workforce. On the other, ‘automation’ is becoming the boogeyman that threatens to do away with many HR functions.

AHRI’s upcoming HR Tech Conference, part of the 2016 National Convention in Brisbane, will bring together some of the industry’s brightest minds to shed light on these and other related issues.

From change on a global scale down to the nitty-gritty of workforce analytics, here are five reasons you don’t want to miss this HR tech event of the season.

  1. The futurists are coming: There’s no ifs, ands or buts about it – business intelligence and big data have transformed the world. But what is still up for debate is where these resources are headed. Chris Riddell, one of the world’s most renowned futurists, makes it his job to predict just that. Riddell will gaze into his crystal ball and reveal ways businesses can drive growth through smart digital strategy, how to sniff out future global trends and why your business should worry about these in the first place.
  2. Life on the edge: For those who have ever wondered how to properly leverage digital innovation, this session is for you. Peter Williams is the Chief Edge Officer at Deloitte’s Centre of the Edge, which makes him one of the sharpest minds in the business. Williams has served as the Chairman of Deloitte’s Innovation Council since 2004. The Centre’s mission is to identify and explore exciting digital opportunities that aren’t yet on the senior management agenda.
  3. Add to your utility belt: Requelle Simpson knows first-hand the benefits of embracing technology – in 2015, The Coffee Club, where she works as a training specialist, won the AHRI Award for HR Technology. Effective use of technology means HR departments can now do more in terms of learning and development, employee engagement and other core functions. Simpson draws on her extensive experience with e-learning, gamification and other technological innovations to highlight ways tech enhances employee retention and engagement.
  4. Thinking big: In February 2016, the CSIRO released a report that explored six social, economic and environmental megatrends that will have a major impact on Australia. Curious about what those are, or even what a megatrend is? Dr Stefan Hajkowicz, Principal Scientist at the CSIRO, is happy to explain. This session looks at what happens when being in the ‘virtual world’ becomes our new reality. Hajkowicz combines the best of geography, economics and decision theory to take a bird’s-eye-view of what might happen in a world where individuals, communities, governments and businesses are more closely linked than ever before.
  5. HR, meet AI: Predictions are that the next five years will bring tremendous disruption in the form of automation and robots replacing many current functions. What do HR professionals need to do today to make sure their organisation survives this shift? Jon Williams, head of PwC’s People Business in Australia, brings his expertise in leadership, organisational culture and talent management to the table to discuss the latest thinking on this crucial issue. The good news is we don’t have to welcome our robot overlords just yet.  


The HR Tech Conference and the AHRI National Convention run from 3 to 5 August 2016 in Brisbane. To check event details and register, click here.

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Frances Harrison
Frances Harrison
8 years ago


I am attending the conference in August and attending the public sector gathering. I really wanted to go this as well as it sounds fantastic but can’t do both at the same time and we can’t afford to send more than one person. Is AHRI providing notes from these speakers or can some of my colleagues in WA view these sessions as “podcasts”?

Kind regards


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