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HRM TV: Sam Robertson on HR certification, part three

HR is seen by some as a ‘soft skills’ job that anyone can do. To change this perception and establish standards, AHRI has introduced a certification program to set the bar for HR practitioners wanting the become true business partners. Sam Robertson is working towards the AHRI Practising Certification Program (APC), after which she will be entitled to apply to the National Certification Council for HR certification.

Sam has been working in HR since she graduated from Sydney University in 2012. She currently works in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and is among of the first intake on the 18-month APC program. Sam has just started Unit Two, and so far things are off to a rocking start. In part three of her video diary, she discusses her expectations for the course, what she hopes to gain and the value of what she has learnt so far.

As a public service employee, Sam is especially excited for discussing Australia’s workplace relations framework with her fellow student practitioners, and looking at how HR is similar or different in the public and private sectors and how they can learn from each other.

Her work in the certification program so far has inspired her to act on ideas or issues she has identified in her organisation with more confidence and insight. Plus, she highlights Ulrich and Beatty’s Partner to Player framework as an interesting look at HR partnering.

Want to learn more? Check out her vlogs on certification and read about why she is undertaking the APC program, what she think about the process so far and what she hopes to gain from this experience.

Want to learn more about becoming a certified HR practitioner? Click here

To learn more about AHRI membership, click here

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