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HRM TV: Sam Robertson on certification and the unit four capstone project

HR is seen by some as a ‘soft skills’ job that anyone can do. To change this perception and establish standards, AHRI has introduced a certification program to set the bar for HR practitioners wanting to become true business partners.

Sam Robertson is working towards the AHRI Practising Certification Program (APC), after which she will be entitled to apply to the National Certification Council for HR certification.

Sam has been working in HR since she graduated from Sydney University in 2012. She currently works in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and is among of the first intake on the 18-month APC program. Sam is up to Unit 4, her capstone project in applied organisational capability. This is where she adapts all she has learnt from the previous three units and delivers an HR strategy or initiative within her organisation that enhances its capability.

In this episode she talks about her project, designed to enhance the performance management and leadership at her organisation. She also talks about the value of the networking opportunities the certification has provided her and her fellow students.

If you want to return to the beginning of Robertson’s certification journey here is part one, two and three.

Consolidate your HR career by becoming a certified HR practitioner. Find the certification pathway that best suits your professional level by using the HR Certification Pathfinder.

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Michelle Darling
Michelle Darling
6 years ago

Unfortunately the video on Sam Roberstons’ Capstone Project does not appear to be working

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